Our Mahindra colleagues have serious talent. Don’t believe us? Check out Shruti Agrawal’s groovy moves in this video.
Need more inspiration? Well, Bollywood has inspired yet another colleague of ours – Zulukar Mohammed mimics 6 Bollywood actors. Take a look!

Or perhaps you prefer stand-up comedy? Tickle your funny bone with Sakshi Nahta’s skit on Quarantine Life, WFH, sleep cycle, endless calls with family, eating habits… the list is endless. Anything can be funny. Or frustrating. But when life gives you lemons, make some zingy lemonade!
Given the current pandemic, perhaps you would prefer to soothe your frayed nerves with some inspiring vocals? Check this out.
These videos have already garnered more than 3.5 million views on YouTube!

So, what are you waiting for? Sing, dance, perform a skit, do a stand-up routine – against the backdrop of Diwali at home with your entire family. Channel your inner talent – Mahindra’s RISE challenge awaits you.
Join in the Spirit of Fun. This is Mahindra@75. Share your talent with us and make us proud – visit the Rise Up and join in the Spirit of Fun. This is Mahindra@75. Share your talent with us and make us proud. Just visit - https://mahindra75.com
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