Mahindra Has Talent

Did you submit your talent videos yet?

For the Mahindra Group, dreaming big and planning bigger is just what we do. As part of the 75th Anniversary celebrations, which began on October 2, 2020, we invited our employees to come together to celebrate and submit their hidden talents — a solo act, a group ensemble with their families or a scintillating vocal performance. These videos have already garnered more than 3.5 million views on YouTube!

And the good news is that you can still participate in the ‘Mahindra Has Talent’ initiative. Here’s your chance to bring out your andar ka kalakaar and shine! So, whether you have the moves like a Bollywood star or can sing or sketch, this is a golden opportunity for you. A chance like never before, get video-ing and make us proud!

Upload your talent videos on now, and prove your mettle. Or else just cheer and support your colleagues.

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