
Mahindra Comms Council Meet 2024

They sketched wonky smileys that drew chuckles and laughter, introduced themselves just right, posed for a few pretty pictures, sat in rapt attention through a session on ‘digital PR’ and spoke about their work at length. The inaugural ‘Mahindra Communications Council’ Meeting, held on Monday, was well-attended and a resounding success.

The day-long event was attended by marketing and communication leaders across business verticals. The communicators discussed various aspects of their work - and promised to work more closely in the future.

The highlight of the day was a session on the topic 'Communications in times of social media virality: Dawn of digital PR', delivered by Sujit Patil, Chief Communications Officer, Godrej Group. The attendees sat rapt as Sujit unravelled newer facets of Communications Strategy.

The meeting, most importantly, allowed communications professionals (across the group) to get to know each other better. This meeting steps the foundation to yield better synergies and develop deeper bonds between communications professionals across Group businesses, Echo believes.

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