
Celebrating our champions

After the resounding success of Season 1 Mahindra and Swaraj delivered another successful season of League of Champions this October. The league is more than just a competition - it is a celebration of the skills and expertise of Mahindra group’s technicians and service advisors from across the world. The league serves as an avenue to nurture the spirit of ambition and determination within the Mahindra ecosystem emphasising that any goal is attainable with unwavering focus and dedication.

Running from August 2023 to January 2024, this global skill-based contest encompasses three categories: Technician, Service Advisor, and a new addition, Parts in Charge. League of Champions features four distinct levels: Distributor level (Level 1, exclusive to Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bangladesh), Country level (Level 2), Zonal level (Level 3), and the prestigious Global level (Level 4, hosted in India).

Mahindra’s esteemed business partners, hailing from over 50 countries, come together to demonstrate their capabilities, competing against peers from diverse nations. Participants from the Asia and Africa zones have already successfully completed Levels 1 and 2, showcasing their talents on a global stage.

We look forward to witnessing the outstanding performances and achievements that will mark the journey of Season 2.

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