
Mahindra’s playbook for a balanced life

My dear reader,

This is your friend ‘Echo’ writing another letter to you!

Before it became a juicy innuendo or a harmless party nugget, the saying “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy…” was mostly used to encourage youngsters to play some sports or engage in other outdoor activities.

At Mahindra, we still hold the view that hard work, without time for recreation, is not good for one’s mental and physical health. Even now, we encourage Mahindraites to participate in sporting activities or marathons that come by; for those who are not inclined to sports, we urge them to lift a few dumbbell sets or run a few minutes on the treadmill. The ones who are not interested in either are encouraged to join volunteering drives, which can open their eyes to a new way of looking at life.

Truth be told, a lot of our people have responded positively to these ideas over the years.

But there was a time in the past when we did not have to prod or wheedle Mahindraites to score a goal, or middle a cricket ball, or grapple a raider in your corner of the court. We used to have teams that participated across several sporting disciplines, with a few sportspersons even gaining national acclaim.  

My illustrious predecessor, M&M Newsletter, used to chronicle Mahindra’s sporting achievements in almost all its editions – and there was always a lot to report. Please zoom in on these photographs to meet some of our sporting heroes of yore. There is no better time to meet them because we have just passed another National Sports Day, which is held annually on August 29.

Now, on your marks, get set, GO!

Yours truly,


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