Continuing our series on the Covid warriors of Mahindra, this week, we highlight our brave colleagues from Clean Energy and Logistics sectors. They were able to Rise and make a difference with their actions.
Reaching out to those in need
Bhaskar Patil from Mahindra Logistics reached out to daily wagers and small vendors who lost their jobs in the pandemic by providing them with groceries for a few months. He extended support to them in the event of a medical emergency. He also started delivering milk and initiated door-to-door deliveries with basic amenities to senior citizens in his area.
Organising vaccination drives
During the vaccination drive, Bhaskar helped doctors and residents register online, arrange tokens, and facilitate proper queues following social distancing norms. His group, “Covid I need help”, extended support in making ambulances, beds, oxygen cylinders and medicines available for Covid positive patients.
Distributing relief packages to the needy
Tina Sarma from Clean Energy distributed ration kits consisting of essentials like rice, pulses and other food items to various beneficiaries, including daily wagers, labourers, maids, auto-rickshaw drivers, tiffin delivery service workers and security guards. One kit was enough to sustain a family for a month. Over 2,000 relief packages have been delivered across the Mumbai Metropolitan area. The delivery was done with real-time tracking of packages along with the pictures and contact details of the beneficiaries.
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