
Living by Mahindra Logistics’ Code of Conduct

Our A&E M&M inbound team was in a fix on one Saturday in August, 2022! They and BA Vinsum Axpress were unable to locate the truck and driver that were transporting Nashik CD material. The material had to be delivered to the Rudrapur plant the next day, otherwise production would be halted, resulting in the loss of 200 tractors. Another vehicle was in transit from Nashik CD carrying the same material.

To avoid a repeat of the previous situation, the team monitored the truck through GPS and maintained communication with the driver. Prabhansu Tripathi headed for Moradabad, where he would accompany the vehicle to the plant. This proactive approach insured that the material in the second truck arrived on schedule and that no production losses occurred. The missing truck was brand new, and its GPS coordinates were not provided to us. Because the vehicle was untraceable, Gaurav Rajput collaborated with the RTO to obtain GPS information and establish the vehicle's current position.

The vehicle was parked in an unknown location, and the driver was hiding after a disagreement with the BA team. A&E M&M team member Chanchal Saini from Rohtak and the BA arrived at the vehicle’s location. They reassured the driver and made certain that the materials were transferred to another vehicle. On Monday morning, the same material arrived at the Rudrapur plant. While this was an unfortunate incident, it did highlight an example of collaboration and proactiveness, with Amit Deshmukh in Mumbai directing the team.

Gaurav in Haridwar, Chanchal in Rohtak, Mohan and Prabhansu in Rudrapur carried out the operation. Seema Bhaskar-GM, Operations, expertly guided the entire team! Kudos to them!

Let’s follow their example and continue to live by the core values of MLL’s Code of Conduct!

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