
“We are making strong progress to be carbon neutral by 2040,” said Dr Anish Shah at the WEF 2022

The World Economic Forum (WEF) launched the India Edition of CEO Climate Leaders to serve as a high-level platform for business leaders to support concrete plans and ideas to step up India’s climate action and green transition efforts. The forum will bring together chief executives representing leading businesses and industries for actionable ideas and lighthouse initiatives to achieve net-zero ambition and meet pressing climate targets. Dr Anish Shah, MD and CEO, Mahindra Group, has been nominated as Co-Chair for the same.

Anish Shah spoke to CNBC about Mahindra’s target to be ‘Planet Positive’ by 2040.

Anish Shah spoke to Reuters about sourcing more components from other companies to boost its Electric Vehicle (EV) portfolio.

Anish Shah also spoke to Zee Business about the importance of working together and restoring trust and the impact a global community can have on the economy and the climate.

Watch out for the next issue of Echo for more updates from our leaders who shared insights and gained fresh perspectives with several other global leaders at the Annual Meeting 2022.

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