Mahindra Volunteering Day

Announcing the winners of the Mahindra Volunteering Day

International Volunteer Day (December 5, 2022) was celebrated as Mahindra Volunteering Day. On this day, our fellow Mahindraites pledged to generate an impact on the lives of those in need of our help. Apart from instilling in Mahindra employees a sense of purpose at the workplace, it also resulted in considerable social impact in the areas of health, education, and the environment.

Our associates volunteered their time and energy to clean beaches, plant trees, make eco-friendly products, teach children, assist the differently abled, donate blood and a lot more.

Together, we were able to impact the lives of over 1 lakh individuals. These Samaritans went above and beyond their routine to generate a lasting impact on the lives of the underprivileged.

Mahindra Volunteer- Petros Tilahun from Ethiopia took underprivileged students to the science museum to give them a better vision for tomorrow

Mahindra Volunteer- Tarun Chauhan from Bangalore spent time with underprivileged children

Mahindra Volunteer- Abhaya Mani from Patna taught the advantages of agricultural mechanization to underprivileged school children

Mahindra Volunteer- Vipin Gangwar from Uttarakhand participated in the blood donation drive organized as a part of the Mahindra Volunteering Day

Mahindra Volunteer- Kaizin from Mumbai lent her voice (for the very first time!) for an audiobook recording for our visually impaired benefactors

Avilash Dwivedi from Dehradun participated in various volunteering activities organized as a part of the Mahindra Volunteering Day

Chetan Kapoor, Chief Executive Officer, Tech Mahindra CSR, shared this tweet of his teams undertaking various social-impact activities across the country

Mahindra Volunteer- Jeetesh Sohoni from Surat participated in the blood donation drive, part of the Volunteering Day activities

Mahindra Volunteer- Vamsi from Nellore interacted with young beneficiaries to teach them the art of networking and career planning on the Mahindra Volunteering Day

Congratulations to all Mahindra Volunteers for setting an example for many others to follow. Thank you for your contribution to making the Mahindra Volunteering Day a success across the globe. To receive your prize, share your details with us on [email protected]

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